Admission Procedure
Admission Procedure
Admission is open to children of all communities and faith, subject to availability of seats. The registration for admission is generally made in the month of march or according to instruction issued. The prospectus along with admission form which is available at the school office on payment of Rs. _______.
Completed registration form must be submitted in the school office before the last date has been notified by the school. Short listed candidates will be required to appear in the entrance test consisting of four papers i.e. English / Hindi / Mathematics / General Science and Interview.
List of selected candidates will be notified on the school notice board, such parents shall have to deposit the reusite fee and avail the seat within three days from the day of declaration of result.
At the time of the admission of child the following requirements shall have to be fullfilled by the parents :
- School fees as per rule
- School leaving certificate / transfer certificate duly signed by the head of the institution from the school last attended and counter signed.
- Original date of birth certificate where applicable.
- Set of prescribed uniform/books/stationary.
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